新工科 新设计论坛 第十六期
New Engineering New Design International Seminar
School of Design, Hunan University, March 18, 2022, 8PM Beijing Time
直播链接 Live streaming:http://live.bilibili.com/22661423
In the context of the "Digital China" strategy, the digital health industry is flourishing. As an important basic strategic resource, health big data has attracted the attention of all walks of life. The value realization of health big data is not only to promote technology or economic development, but also to realize the construction of “human-centered” governance system and modernization of governance capacity. Around "data, tools and platforms", how to apply health data to different scenarios, to different stakeholders, and to generate knowledge systems and intelligent services is a question we need to explore together. We are honored to invite four experts and scholars from universities and related enterprises at home and abroad to share their thoughts and practices on health, data and human-centered design, and to explore the future development direction and potential value of health big data.

Hua Dong
设计研究协会 (DRS) 包容性设计研究特别兴趣小组召集人
Professor and Head of Brunel Design School
the Convener of the InclusiveSIG at the DRS
董华教授是伦敦布鲁内尔大学设计学院的首任院长。她在剑桥大学工程系获得博士学位,专注于包容性设计研究。她编辑了6本关于通用设计和辅助技术的书籍,并撰写或合作撰写了约200篇论文。她曾为英国、芬兰和中国的企业提供专门的研究咨询,帮助设计师采用包容性方法,支持企业实施包容性实践。董华教授在2019年当选为国际设计研究学会会员, 2021年入选英国工程界50位女性。
Professor Hua Dong is the Inaugural Dean of Brunel Design School at Brunel University in London. She received her PhD degree in engineering from Cambridge University, focusing on inclusive design research.She has edited 6 books on the topics of inclusive design, assistive technology and universal access, and authored/co-authored around 200 papers. Furthermore, she has extensive experience in providing specialized research consultancy to industries in the UK, Finland and China to help designers adopt a more inclusive approach, and support companies to implement inclusive practices. Professor Hua Dong was elected Fellow of the Design Research Society in 2019, and received the award of ‘Engineering Heroes’ – the Top 50 Women in Engineering 2021 from Women’s Engineering Society.

Leo Shao
Deputy General Manager of Central R&D Management Department,
Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd
邵凌云经理负责公司的整体标准化活动,并在国内期刊发表论文5篇,参与著作2部,专利7项,标准制定4份。他现任全国医用电气标准化技术委员会TC10委员,中国生物医学工程学会知识产权与标准化专委会委员,广东省医疗仪器设备及器械标准化技术委员会GD/TC16委员,IECTC62A WG14工作组成员,ISO14971 风险管理工作组成员,深圳市标准化专家库成员,深圳市科创委评审专家库成员。
Leo Shao Leads enterprise standardization activities of entire company, and published 5 papers on domestic journals, participated in writing 2 books, owned 7 patents, developed 4 standards. He is currently serving as a member of TC10 on Medical Electrical Equipment of Standardization Administration of China, committee member of Intellectual Property and Standardization Committee of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, committee member of GD/TC16 Medical Instruments, Equipment and Devices Standardization of Guangdong Province, working group member of IEC-TC62A WG14, group member of Risk Management Working Group of ISO14971, member of Shenzhen Association of Standardization Expert Tank, Member of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Evaluation Expert Tank.

Shiwei Cheng
Professor,Zhejiang University of Technology
Deputy Director of Computer Software Research Institute
Shiwei Cheng is the Deputy Director of Computer Software Research Institute in Zhejiang University of Technology. His main research interests are human-computer interaction, pervasive computing, interface design and user experience. He has held important positions in several computer societies in China and the US, and has served as a reviewer for several top international journals and conferences in the field of human-computer interaction. He has chaired several national foundation projects and participated in national key projects. He has published nearly 50 papers in high-level journals and conferences at home and abroad, one textbook, one translation, three licensed invention patents, and 12 software copyrights.

Hanling Zhang
Professor, School of Design, Hunan University
Hanling Zhang is the director of Smart Health Design in the School of Design of Hunan University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Signal and Information Processing from Northwestern Polytechnical University in China and then went to the London Robarts Research Institutein Canada. He was an Outstanding Science and Technology Commissioner of University-industry-research of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Guangdong Province Government. He holds important positions such as Commissioner for Science and Technology of Changsha, Member of Technical Committee on Computer Vision of China Computer Federation, and Member of the Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analysis of China Society of Image and Graphics. His Research Interests include affective computing, Big Data analysis and visualization, big-data-driven design, human-computer interaction, user experience. He has led and participated in a large number of important scientific research projects that have been well funded by various federal agencies.
Panel Host

Wei Wang
Professor, School of Design, Hunan University
Dr. Wang Wei is now a professor and doctoral supervisor of Hunan University. His research focuses on smart product design from the user experience and emerging consumer technology. Wang's design, research, and teaching have won multiple international awards, including the Annual Engagement and Enterprise Award from Queen Mary University of London, Annual Achievement Awards from Nokia, the Science and Technology Award of China Mechanical Industry, the Class 1969 Teaching Fellow in Georgia Tech, Georgia Tech/BP Junior Faculty Award and Michelin Challenge Design Award in a worldwide competition. Wang previously worked in Nokia Research Center, Queen Mary University of London, and Georgia Institute of Technology before he joined Hunan University.
8:00 – 8:05 开幕 Opening and greeting
8:05 – 9:05 专家依次发言 Presentation
9:05 – 9:30 圆桌讨论 Panel discussion
9:30 – 9:35 闭会Adjourn
Please send your questions or thoughts to wangwei1125@hnu.edu.cn in advance to participate our conversation.