
Akira Ueda 植田 憲

Akira Ueda博士,千叶大学设计文化计画研究室教授,日本地方创生设计领域专家,日本设计学会会员,日本感性工学会会员。他从事非物质文化遗产、生活文化设计、内生型地域振兴等领域的研究。近年来他在千叶县各地开展面向地方创生项目的调研与设计实践活动,主持《面向可持续发展的地域活性化设计:传统造型资源的数字化-保存-活用方法的导出》等日本学术振兴会研究项目4项,参与项目10余项发表学术论文70余篇、学会论文200余篇。

Dr. Akira Ueda, professor of Design Culture Project Research Department, Chiba University, expert in the field of local creative design in Japan, member of Japan Design Institute, member of Japan Kansei Institute. He is engaged in the research of intangible cultural heritage, life culture design, endogenous regional revitalization. In recent years, he has carried out research and design practice for creative design projects in Chiba. He led the project of “Design for The Sustainable Development of Regional Activeness: digitalization, preservation, and export of flexible methods to the resources of traditional modeling” and other 3 academic research projects, participated in more than 10 projects, published more than 70 papers and 200 papers.

