
Cees de Bont

Cees de Bont博士,现任英国拉夫堡大学设计与创意艺术学院院长、正教授,曾任香港理工大学设计学院院长(2012-2018),荷兰代尔夫特理工大学工业设计工程院长(2005-2012)等。他在商业设计与创意产业领域具有丰富的研究与管理经验其领导的拉夫堡大学设计与创意艺术学院拥有世界一流的科研水平,是M5大学联盟的创始成员之一,在QS全球艺术与设计专业排名第28位,在人机工程学交通安全体验设计和数字建造等方面的科研具有国际影响力。Cees de Bont 教授被2017国际设计研究会议(ICoRD)授予设计科学与教育突出贡献奖,担任香港理工大学社会创意设计学院委员会主席以及担任香港设计中心董事会成员等职位。Cees de Bont教授曾参与我院服务设计与商业模式相关研究课程体系的建设。

Dr. Cees de Bont is currently Full Professor and Dean of The School of Design and Creative Arts at Loughborough University, UK. He has served as Dean of The School of Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2012-2018) and Dean of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology (2005-2012). He has extensive research and management experience in the field of commercial design and creative industry. The School of Design and Creative Arts of Loughborough University which he leads, has world-class scientific research, is a founding member of M5 University Alliance, and is ranked 28th in The QS Arts and Design. Its research in ergonomics, traffic safety, experience design and digital construction has international influence. Professor Cees de Bont has been awarded the 2017 International Conference

on Research into Design (ICoRD) Award for Outstanding Contribution to Design Science and Education. He also chaired the Committee of the School of Social Creative Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and served on the Board of the Hong Kong Design Centre. Professor Cees de Bont has participated in the research and curriculum system construction in relation to "Service Design and Business Model".

