
Cheryl Zhenyu Qian

Cheryl Zhenyu Qian博士(美籍),普渡大学工业设计与交互设计专业正教授、系主任,现任美国普渡大学交互设计与工业设计正教授、系主任(Chair Professor),她拥有中国东南大学建筑学学士,加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学交互艺术与技术硕士和博士学位。她获得了15IEEE VAST挑战系统设计奖2010~2021),I2LOR'07演示竞赛一等奖和I2LOR'05演示竞赛二等奖,基于跨学科方法和创新设计过程的视角开发了普渡大学交互设计硕士课程及其中四门核心课程,是交互设计理论与视觉可视化分析领域的知名学者

Dr. Cheryl Zhenyu Qian holds a bachelor's degree in Architecture from Southeast University, China, and a master’s degree in Interactive Art and Technology from Simon Fraser University, Canada. She is currently the Full Professor and the director of Industrial Design and Interactive Design at Purdue University. She has received 15 IEEE VAST Challenge System Design Awards (2010 - 2021), first prize in the I2LOR'07 Demonstration Contest and second prize in the I2LOR'05 Demonstration Contest. She developed Purdue University's Master of Interaction Design program and its four core courses based on a perspective of interdisciplinary approach and innovative design process. She is a well-known scholar in the field of interactive design theory and visualization analysis.

