>Oral care product design project from LION & HAKUHODO
这是一个 >>> 真实的跨国公司产品设计调研&开发项目
This is a >>> multinational company product design research & development project
项目内容 Project content:
> Conduct in-depth research and analysis of oral care products (desk & field research)
> Explore the possibilities of oral care products in the next 3-5 years (based on existing/new technologies)
> Collaborate with structural engineers to optimize/upgrade selected designs
项目时间 Project Duration:
2024年4月-6月(1-2天/周工作时长 & 1-2天/月线下集中工作坊)
April-June 2024 (1-2 days/week working hours & 1-2 days/month offline intensive workshop)
招募要求 Requirements:
>对健康领域的产品设计感兴趣 & 有一定的设计开发能力(本科生/研究生不限)
> Interested in product design in the health field & have some design and development skills (undergraduate/graduate students are not limited)
> Some free time in the next three months (1-2 days/week)
> Passionate, creative, resilient, and capable of executing.
其它说明 Other Notes:
>International school-enterprise cooperation: this project is directly responsible by the headquarters of HAKUHODO and LION in Japan, Japanese product managers, planners and designers will be involved in the whole process and there will be offline guidance & communication sessions;
>Communication Barrier Free: To ensure accurate and perfect communication of information at key points of the project, Chinese-Japanese/Japanese-Chinese interpreters are provided, while English can be used for direct communication at other times;
>Paid internship: design work during the internship is paid labor, more work, more pay, and internship certificates can be issued;
应聘方式 How to Apply:
Please prepare a simple portfolio or a few pictures representing your work, and include the information "major + grade + name", send email to 915355639@qq.com to sign up for this job, application deadline is March 28, 2024, 12:00 pm.
*Due to confidentiality agreement requirements, the program only accepts applications from students enrolled at Hunan University.
*Any questions can be directed to the program director, Ms. Liu Mengfei, or 915355639@qq.com.
相关信息 References:


博报堂成立于1895年,是一家整合营销和创新公司,在20个国家和地区设有办事处,在世界各地拥有一万多名专家。作为博报堂DY Holdings集团的核心,博报堂一直被《广告时代》评为世界十大广告公司之一。
博报堂以创造力而闻名,两次荣获戛纳国际创意节大奖,并在2021年亚太广告节(ADFEST)上荣获年度最佳集团网络奖(Network of the Year)。