
Mohsen Jaafarnia

Mohsen Jaafarnia

E-mail>>   Mohsen@hnu.edu.cn  

Mohsen Jaafarnia, born in March 1975, Associate Professor at the School of Design, Hunan University, he has done his PhD. on Automobile Design at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati in 2012. He has been a senior lecturer in the Iran University of Science & Technology for 3 years, in the Tehran Azad University for 8 years, in the Jame Elmi Karbordi University for 2 years, In the Jahad daneshgahi Art University for 2 years & in the Molana University for 1 year.

Book Publications

  1. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2005) “Thought engineering(creativity in design)” Publisher: Sima ye Danesh, Tehran, Iran. ISBN: 964-5693-90-x

  2. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2007) “Form and space in industrial design” Publisher: Sima ye Danesh, Tehran, Iran. ISBN: 964-8972-28-1

  3. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2012) “Let’s save human’s life with good design” Publisher: Papyrus, Guwahati, India. ISBN:978-93-81287-17-0

  4. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2012) “Evolution of Automobile Design, A Brief Introduction” Publisher: Papyrus, Guwahati, India. ISBN: 978-93-81287-18-7

  5. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2013) “Design & Observation” in English: Papyrus, Guwahati, India. ISBN: 978-93-81287-23-1

  6. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2013) “Design & Observation” in Persian language, Publisher: Azar,Tehran, Iran. ISBN: 978-600-6862-01-9

  7. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2015) “Toy and Handicraft” in English, Chinese & Persian, Publisher: Azar,Tehran, Iran. ISBN: 978-600-6862-06-4.

  8. Mohsen Jaafarnia and  Sahar Boroomand (2016). Ya Zamen Ahoo, Publication: MJ, Iran. Language: Persian, ISBN: 978-600-04-5341-1

  9. Mohsen Jaafarnia (2017). “Everyone is Designer”, in English, Chinese & Persian, Publisher: MJ, Iran. Language: English, Chinese& Persian, ISBN: 978-600-04-7870-4

  10. Jaafarnia, Mohsen (2019). “Designers, get off the consumers’ back.” in English & Persian, Publisher: Ghochan, Iran: Yadegar Omr Publication. ISBN: 978-600-91409-6-1 

  11. Jaafarnia, Mohsen (2019). “Evolution of Automobile Design, A Brief Introduction.” in English, Chinese & Persian, Publisher: Ghochan, Iran: Yadegar Omr Publication. ISBN: 978-600-91409-8-5

  12. Jaafarnia, Mohsen (2020).  The Acts Betray the Words! Ghochan, Iran: Yadegar Omr Publication. ISBN: 978-622-96470-5-9

  13. Jaafarnia, Mohsen (2021). 唐代长沙窑和萨珊艺术带来的灵感, A chapter in the book of 潇湘瓷韵. Publisher 湖南美术出版社, Changsha, China.

  14. Mohsen Jaafarnia, He Renke and Ji Tie (2021). One belt for cultural exchange, one road for design and art. Ghochan, Iran: Yadegar Omr Publication. ISBN: 978-622-7346-30-5 http://www.peoplemuseum.ir/One%20belt%20one%20road.pdf

    Teaching Background

  • 2001-2008, Industrial Design, Tehran Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

  • 2005-2006, Junior College of Nooavaran Asr danesh, Jame Elmi Karbordi University, Iran

  • 2001-2002, Industrial design, Jahad daneshgahi Art University , Tehran, Iran

  • 2006     Industrial design, junior Non-official Molana University , Tehran, Iran

  • 2005-2007, Industrial Design , Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran, Iran

  • 2015- Present, Visiting Professor at University of Saint Joseph in Macau, China.

  • 2013- Present, Industrial Design , School of Design, Hunan University, China.

  • Registered Patents

  1. Patent, title: Ceramic design, Patent number in China: ZL 2015  3  0565549. 0  Date: 15/6/2016    

  2. Patent, title: Ceramic design, Patent number in China: ZL 2016  3  0025984. 9  Date: 29/6/2016    

  3. Patent, title: Product design, Patent number in China: ZL 2015  3  0566161. 2  Date: 15/6/2016    

  4. Patent, title: "Car owner can design his car and change its form using APP of Smartphone and IoT" 在该专利中物联网(IOT)的使用是通过智能手机连接设备,用户可以通过操控在自己智能手机里的应用来改变汽车的外形。Patent number in China: ZL 2016 1 0841100. 6  Date: 23/9/2016    https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU2NjU1ODY4MA==.html

  5. title: Safety Air Bag for Saving Life of the Motor Driver, Which prevents in the accidents the driver’s Concussion and Spinal Cord Sever. Iran: Nov. 2007 No. A-85/012264.

    Research Publications

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia (2023). Iranian influence on the West. The People Museum Journal , Volume 9, Issue 1,  ISSN 2588-6517 http://www.peoplemuseum.ir/research%202023.htm

  • Alireza Ghiasian, Tahmineh Mazloomnejad, Mohsen Jaafarnia (2022). Underlying Motives; Investigating culture Impact on Changing Individuals` Reading Behavior through a Digital Service. Journal of Design Thinking. Volume 3, Issue 1 , ISSN: 2645-3304 https://doi.org/10.22059/JDT.2022.348120.1082

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia (2022). World History Begins with the Iranians. The People Museum Journal , Volume 8, Issue 1,  ISSN 2588-6517 http://www.peoplemuseum.ir/research%202022.htm

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia; Sahar Boroomand; Mohsen Saffar Dezfuli; Seyed Hashem Mosaddad; Avinash Shende; Arash Hekmat (2021). New Mind Development Makes Issues in Home Fabrication of 3D Printing. Journal of Design Thinking. Volume 2, Issue 2 , pp. 249-262, ISSN: 2645-3304,  https://doi.org/10.22059/jdt.2022.338654.1066

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Avinash Shende, and Sahar Boroomand (2021). Redesigning decision-making cycle: A perspective on predicting prosumer household 3D printer waste. Elsevier at journal of Sustainable Production and Consumption (SSCI index journal), Volume 27, July 2021, pp. 1349-1356, ISSN: 2352-5509, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2021.03.012

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Ji Tie, Sahar Boroomand, Avinash Shende, Mohsen Saffardezfooli, Seyed Hashem Mosaddad (2021). Sassanid Design Journeys. MARG-A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS (A&HCI index journal), Vol.72, Issue 3, ISSN: 0972-1444, https://marg-art.org/product/UHJvZHVjdDo1MzY1

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia (2021). The First Declaration of Human Rights. The People Museum Journal , Volume 7, Issue 1,  ISSN 2588-6517

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Ji Tie, Sahar Boroomand, Avinash Shende, Mohsen Saffar Dezfuli and Seyed Hashem Mosaddad (2021). Medieval Design Travelling: Widespread Sassanid trade footprints onthe Silk Road from Spain to India and China. The People Museum Journal ,Volume 7, Issue 1, ISSN 2588-6517

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Ji Tie, Sahar Boroomand, Avinash Shende, Seyed Hashem Mosaddad and Mohsen Saffar Dezfuli (2021). Ancient trade on the SilkRoad: A comparison of Sassanid designs on India, Islam, Han Art. The People Museum Journal ,Volume 7, Issue 1, ISSN 2588-6517

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Ji Tie, Sahar Boroomand, Avinash Shende, Seyed Hashem Mosaddad, Mohsen Saffardezfooli (2020) . Decoding Design on Changsha Ceramics. MARG-A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS (A&HCI index journal), Vol.72, Issue 2, ISSN: 0972-1444, https://marg-art.org/product/UHJvZHVjdDo1MzQ3

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Avinash Shende, Sahar Boroomand and He Renke (2020). A Magic Spell or a Ceramic Bowl? The Sassanid Crescent of Islamic and Changsha Ceramics, Ceramics: Art & Perception (A&HCI index journal). Vol.115, Issue 1, ISSN: 1035-1841, https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/ielapa.058228053808327

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia (2020). Sometimes having a manual system in a product is better than having a weak automation system.  Art & Science, a Journal of Tsinghua University, Volume 15, Issue 1, ISBN: 978-7-302-54101-1  

  • Sahar Boroomand, Mohsen Jaafarnia, Xiehua Li and Dai Duan (2018). Mathematical exploration of AI’s Harmfulness, Journal of Biochemical Technology (ESCI index journal) Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 157-168, ISSN 0974-2328.

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, He Renke, and Sahar Boroomand (2019). IRAN FROM THE APPEARANCE OF MAN TO THE BEGINNING OF CIVILIZATION. The People Museum Journal , Volume 5, Issue 1,  ISSN: 2588-6517

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, and Sahar Boroomand (2018).  FAITH IN THE ETERNITY OF IRAN. The People Museum Journal , Volume 4, Issue 1, ISSN 2588-6517

  • Sahar Boroomand, Dai Duan, and Mohsen Jaafarnia (2018). FOUR GREAT TRIALS AND FOUR GREAT TRIUMPHS. The People Museum Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, ISSN 2588-6517

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Sahar Boroomand and Lin An (2018).  Changsha Kiln Ceramic of Tang Dynasty and its inspiration from Sassanid Art. Ceramics: Art & Perception (A&HCI index journal), Volume 110, Issue 1, ISSN: 1035-1841, https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/ielapa.119033125213968

  • Youyu Jiang, Ji Tie, and Mohsen Jaafarnia (2017). History and Truth: Using media as a weapon. The People Museum Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN: 2588-6517

  • Sahar Boroomand, Dai Duan, and Mohsen Jaafarnia (2017). VIEWS OF FOREIGN OBSERVERS ABOUT IRAN, ABOUT THE FIRST CIVILIZATION. The People Museum Journal , Volume 3, Issue 1, ISSN: 2588-6517,

  • Esmail Esmaeili  and Mohsen Jaafarnia (2016). From Changsha to Siraf: An analysis on the marine Commerce of Iran and China in the first Millennium based on the findings of the document resources of Changsha stoneware.  The 4th Biennial International Conference of The Persian Gulf, 1-2 October 2016, University of Tehran.

  • Mohammad Abaei and Mohsen Jaafarnia (2015). Where Was the Destination of Black Stone Shipwreck: Comparative study on founded products in Iran and products of Black Stone. New Silk Road Program 2015, 3rd - 10th July, Changsha, China.

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia (2015). Iran and China Relationship: Product design based on cultural needs. New Silk Road Program 2015, 3rd - 10th July, Changsha, China.

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia, Ravi Mokashi Punekar (2015). Automobile Design: Identification of effective visual elements of form. International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 1065-1073, ISSN: 2090-9632

  • He Renke, Mohsen Jaafarnia , Fang He and Shiliang Li (2015). Comparative Historical Study of Changsha kiln Ware: Design for Persian Islamic need. International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 1031-1038, ISSN: 2090-9632,

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia , Tie Ji (2014). Playful or dangerous?; A cross-cultural study of discrepancy in Designers' and kids' perception of toy appearances.  International Design Journal, Volume 4, issue 2, pp. 245- 252, ISSN: 2090-9632

  • Wang Wai, Tie Ji, Mohsen Jaafarnia (2014). Position designer into local craft revival in emerging markets: an empirical study on Chinese ethnic brocade industry.  The 19th DMI International Design Management Research 2014, London, UK.

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia , Ravi Mokashi Punekar (2011). Automobile design: A co-relation technique to assessment of human emotion, visual expression and product form.  The 5th International conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, DPPI 11, 22 – 25 June 2011 Politecnico di Milano , Italy. The Journal of the ACM (JACM)  (SCI index) doi>10.1145/2347504.2347551 ISBN:  978-88-6493-0091   ISBN: 978-1-4503-1280-6

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia , Adele Bass  (2011). Design Semantics: Even hybrid Motorcycles need to make noise. IMProVe 2011, International conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design. June 15th – 17th, 2011, Venice, Italy. ISBN: 978-88-7784-328-9

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia , Adele Bass  (2011). Tracing the evolution of automobile design: factors influencing the development of aesthetics in Automobiles from 1885 to the present. International conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design, IMProVe 2011 June 15th – 17th, 2011, Venice, Italy.  ISBN: 978-88-7784-328-9

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia , Pradeep Yammiyavar, (2010). Toy Designs: Whose Choice Matters – Children’s or Parents’. IDC, IIT Bombay, 3rd to 5th of February 2010 . Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India . International conference on ‘Designing for children’ with focus on ‘play + learn’ . ISBN :  978-81-906815-0-6

  • Mohsen Jaafarnia , Pradeep Yammiyavar, (2009). Graphic interfaces for sales interaction : a case of   a consumer choosing  colour  for a  product.  IFIP HWID   October 07-08 , 2009- India. HUMAN WORK INTERACTION DESIGN . International Conference in Usability in Social, Cultural and Organizational Contexts. ISBN : 978-81-909383-0-3

  • Academic awards

  1. Award, title:  Best application of materials award (2014), Upcycling workshop competition, Tongji University. Shanghai. From 04/10/2014 To 04/20/2014

  2. Award, title:  Best functional product award (2014), Upcycling workshop competition, Tongji University. Shanghai. From 04/10/2014 To 04/20/2014

  3. Award, title:  the best award of photo contest (2016), Maple Leaf Cup China in Foreign Teachers' Eyes Photo & International Talents Road Forum, 北京环球英才交流促进会

  4. Award, title:  The best award of photo contest (2013), photography competition, Hunan Photo contest.

