
Nicholas Jonathan Bryan-Kinns

Nicholas Jonathan Bryan-Kinns博士、教授伦敦艺术大学创意计算学院教授,EPSRC+AHRC媒体与艺术技术博士培养中心主任,皇家艺术学会会士(FRSA)、英国计算机学会会士(FBCS)、高等教育学院院士(FHEA)、国际计算学会高级会员(SMACM)。他的主要研究内容是通过交互设计技术为创意产业创造互动技术的新方法及产品,其研究成果已在国际上展出, 并在《新科学家》和英国广播公司上进行报道。他已经发表国际期刊论文27篇,会议论文49篇,短论文45篇,书籍专著8本,同时他曾多次作为国际期刊主编。他的研究对人机交互、创造性计算和设计等领域具有巨大影响。他与我院季铁教授在2016年国际权威期刊《国际设计学报》合作发表的数字化设计与社区协作论文为大陆本领域首篇论文。其与学院合作的《中英手工业数字化平台项目》(2018-2020)获得了英国国家社科基金支持。他2014年、2016年两次参与学院的新通道设计与社会创新项目,相关成果在2017年康桥中英教育合作展览上获得英国大使馆好评,英国皇室安妮公主访华期间专程赴湖南大学岳麓书院参观相关成果。

Dr. Nicholas Jonathan Bryan-Kinns is professor of Electrical Engineering and Computing at Queen Mary university of London and Director of the EPSRC+AHRC PhD Centre for Media and Arts Technology. Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), Senior Member of Association for Computing Machinery (SMACM). His research focuses on creating new methods and products of interactive technology for the creative industries through interaction design techniques. His research has been exhibited internationally and featured in New Scientist and the BBC. He has published 27 international journal papers, 49 conference papers, 45 short papers, 8 books and monographs, and has been the chief editor of international journals for many times. His research has had a huge impact on the fields of human-computer interaction, creative computing and design. His paper on digital design and community collaboration published with Professor Ji Tie in 2016 in international Journal of Design is the first paper in this field of mainland China. The "China-UK Handicraft Digital Platform Project" (2018-2020), co-sponsored by the our school, was supported by the National Social Science Fund of the United Kingdom. In 2014 and 2016, he participated in the "New Channel" design and social innovation project of our school, and the relevant achievements were praised by the British Embassy in the 2017 China-British Education Cooperation Exhibition in Cambridge. During her visit to China, the British royal family princess Anne paid a special visit to Yuelu Academy of Hunan University to see the relevant achievements.

